[CIG-LONG] GALE Workshop planning

Dennis Harry dharry at warnercnr.colostate.edu
Mon Apr 6 06:36:59 PDT 2009

Folks, as some of you know, we discussed the idea of a workshop designed 
for GALE users who want to go beyond running the code and perhpas get 
involved in adding new features or modifying the code.  We termed these 
folks user-developers.  Some ideas were tossed out, with none really 
being ideal.  Please "reply to all" indicating your preference re: the 
timing, and also email me the names of others who you think might want 
to be notified of the workshop.  Our intention is the approach NSF for 
funding, so assume the workshop is no cost.  We discussed a 3-day and 
5-day format.

1) Would you and/or your students/postdocs be likely to attend such a 
2) Which of the following meeting times seem best for you: a) Early 
August 2009 if we can move that quickly, b) January 2010, c) summer 2010.

We would prefer to move quickly so that we can start taking advantage of 
the opportunities provided by GALE (which I think we all agree has been 
under-utilized, but please note the new release Walter advertised last 
week).  However, we recognize that a meeting this summer might interfere 
with plans that have already been made.  January is the next choice so 
that we don't miss a lot of class, but that would be close to AGU.  
Which pushes it back to next summer, but most of us interested in GALE 
don't want to wait that long.


I'd like to wrap this discussion up this week, because Jolante and I 
need to call David Fouintain with a plan very soon if we are to seek NSF 


-- dlh
  Dennis L. Harry
  Edward M. Warner Professor of Geophysics
  Department of Geosciences
  Colorado State University
  Fort Collins, CO 80523-1482
  phone: (970) 491-2714  fax: (970) 491-6307

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