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2011 GALE/Underworld Tutorial at GSA

Category: Workshop

GALE/Underworld Tutorial at GSA

There will be a Gale/Underworld tutorial to be held at the GSA 2011 Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, on Saturday, October 8th, 2011. Instructors will be Walter Landry (CIG), Louis Moresi (Monash University), and Patrice Rey (University of Sydney).

F G 513. Gale/Underworld Framework Tutorial. Sat., 8 Oct., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. FREE; includes continental breakfast and lunch. Limit: 50. CEU: 0.9. Cosponsor: Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics. Louis Moresi, Monash Univ.; Patrice Rey, Univ. of Sydney; Walter Landry, CIG/Caltech

Gale/Underworld is an open-source 2-D and 3-D parallel code for modeling long-term tectonic problems, including orogenesis, rifting, subduction, and heat flow. Participants will learn to install and run Gale/Underworld. The tutorial is aimed at researchers who have not previously used Gale/Underworld. It will cover the code’s capabilities, including the variety of boundary conditions, constitutive laws, and initial conditions implemented. Tutorial participants will be introduced to its use on the NSF TeraGrid, where the code is preinstalled. Gale/Underworld is developed and supported by the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics, an NSF-funded membership-governed organization.

Attendees will need to bring laptop computers.

Early registration deadline: 6 September Registration after 6 September costs an additional $30

You do not need to attend the full meeting - There is a meeting nonregistrant fee ($40 by 6 Sept.) to be added to the course enrollment cost (the CIG tutorial is free, so you would only pay the $40 to GSA).

When: Saturday 08 October, 2011, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CDT
Where: Minneapolis, Minnesota
  1. GALE
  2. lithospheric dynamics
  3. long term tectonics
  4. Minneapolis
  5. 2011
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