2015 An introduction to BurnMan - a mineral physics toolkit

By Sanne Cottar1, Timo Heister2, Bob Myhill3, Ian Rose4, Cayman Unterborn5

1. University of Cambridge 2. Clemson University 3. University of Bayreuth 4. University of California, Berkeley 5. Ohio State University



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In this webinar we will introduce the extensible, open source mineral physics toolkit BurnMan. This software allows the user to calculate the elastic and thermodynamic properties of rocks, minerals, fluids and melts based on the properties of end-member phases. BurnMan is bundled with several end-member and solid solution databases, but users can also create their own, by fitting their data to a wide variety of different equations of state and solution models. BurnMan can then be used to calculate mineral equilibria, chemical potentials and seismic properties of minerals and rocks as a function of pressure, temperature and bulk composition. Seismic velocity profiles computed by BurnMan can be quantitatively or visually compared to observed seismic velocities. In the webinar we will demonstrate the various features by going through example scripts.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Sanne Cottar; Timo Heister; Bob Myhill; Ian Rose; Cayman Unterborn (2021), "2015 An introduction to BurnMan - a mineral physics toolkit," https://geodynamics.org/resources/290.

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