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Travel Reimbursement

Required Forms

UC Davis requires all travelers to register their trips prior to travel. You must register all portions of your trip. A survey link will be sent with your travel offer. Register after your trip details have been finalize and prior to the completion of travel. If you trip changes, please refill out the survey.

Upon completion of travel you must fill out the Travel Reimbursement Request Form. Upon receipt if you did not register your travel, you will be sent and additional form and directed to also submit the Non Employee Travel Reimbursement form.

Please consult the instructions below and FAQs before submitting your question to the ticketing system.

If you are a foreign traveler, please consult additional instructions.

General Instructions

All travel expenses are subject to NSF and UC Davis limits and rules. 


The following expenses are reimbursable:

  • Airfare (economy) between your home/work and destination.  Receipt must show detailed itinerary and the last 4 digits of your credit card. If you are flying to multiple destinations on your itinerary, document a comparable round trip ticket. Travel upgrades, award travel, and add-ons are not reimbursable. 

  You MUST use a U.S. air carrier or an air carrier with a code share with a U.S. carrier. See Foreign Travel for more information.

  • Ground transportation to and from airport.  Consult event website for best ground transport options at destination and reimbursement policy. Please inquire before renting cars. 
  • Airport Parking. Airport parking and mileage are reimbursable. Current rate is $0.67 (January 2024) per mile.  Please provide documentation of mileage such as a map from google. You cannot claim both mileage and gas.


You cannot claim reimbursement for:

  • meals provided to you by the event,
  • breakfast if it is included as part of the hotel package,
  • alcohol - all alcohol must be clearly subtracted from receipts, or
  • for other travelers.

You can claim reimbursement for meals on travel days.

You MUST submit receipts for ALL meals. Receipts may be scanned or photographed.

Meal reimbursement cap is set at $79 per day per UC Davis policy. We are unable to provide reimbursement above this amount except for foreign travel.


You MUST total all of your travel expenses.

If you have received a travel support offer letter, you cannot claim reimbursement for more than the amount offered. If your total expenses are more than your offer, please write clearly on the form: TOTAL CLAIMED: $[offer amount].


You MUST provide an actual (wet) signature.  Photographed signatures are NOT accepted. A scan of your hand signed form or a digital signature is acceptable.


You must submit receipts for the following:

  • airfare
  • rental car
  • lodging
  • conference registration and abstract fees
  • all M&IE

Please always submit receipts when you can for all expenses. Missing receipts will generate extra paperwork for your signature.


Name all files with your last name first e.g. Best practice is to send these in a zipped folder with, again, with your last name first.

Travel Forms and receipts maybe submitted by:


Submit a support ticket here.

Type the following into the first line: 

  • EVENT TRR: event name
    e.g. EVENT TRR: 2022 Crustal Deformation Modeling Workshop

FAX: 530.725.0951


Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
U.C. Davis
One Shields Avenue
2119 Earth and Physical Sciences Building
Davis, California 95616
Attention: Travel Reimbursement


If you are traveling to or from a country outside the US, please see additional instructions for Foreign Travelers.


A completed travel reimbursement page with expenses will be sent for your final approval.

For other questions, please see FAQs and UC Davis Travel and Entertainment policy. [link]