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2020–2021 Webinar Schedule

November 12    Jonathan Perry-Houts, UC Davis [zoom]
Numerical models of lower crustal flow explain Yellowstone's "tectonic parabola" 
December             - AGU -


Numerical models of lower crustal flow explain Yellowstone's "tectonic parabola"
Jonathan Perry-Houts, UC Davis

Several hypotheses exist for the origin of the seismically active region of high topography surrounding the Yellowstone hotspot track. Among these is the idea that a dense mid-crustal sill has driven viscous lower crust away from the hotspot track, producing crustal thinning/subsidence in the Snake River Plain, and corresponding inflation/uplift of the surrounding terrain.

Recent evidence of azimuthally-aligned seismic anisotropy in the lower crust has led us to investigate the dynamics of lower crustal flow, and its role as a non-tectonic driver of localized epeirogeny. In this GIG webinar, I will describe ongoing work to quantify this mechanism, including an efficient numerical method for modeling lower crustal flow, and its potential application to geodynamic models. [pdf]



Webinar Mini-Series on:

The Role of Computational Geoscience in the Predictive Assessment of Plate Boundary Systems and Hazards



Series A

Induced Seismicity and Fault system Dynamics 

11am PST, 8pm CET                                     


January 12

James H. Dieterich (UCR), intro by Kayla A. Kroll (LLNL)
Induced Seismicity; A multidisciplinary issue spanning the energy sector
  January 13 Joshua A. White and Kayla A. Kroll (LLNL)
Modeling Induced Seismicity in the HPC-era
  January 14 Kayla A. Kroll and Joshua A. White (LLNL)
The Future of Induced Seismicity with Exascale Computing



Series B

Quantifying the Links Between Surface Processes and Tectonics

9am PST, 6pm CET                                   


January 19

Nicole Gasparini (Tulane) and Greg Tucker (CUB). 
Cyberinfrastructure for modeling surface processes across scales
  January 20 Susanne Buiter (RWTH Aachen)
How coupled tectonics and surface processes shape extensional plate boundaries
  January 21 Katy Barnhart (USGS Landslide Hazards Program)
Testing surface process models with numerical experiments: examples from landscape evolution and debris-flow inundation