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By Brad Aagaard (primary-developer)1, Luis Armendariz (primary-developer)2, Susan Kientz2

1. United States Geological Survey 2. California Institute of Technology

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The CIG Model Analyzer (Cigma) is a suite of tools that facilitates the comparison of numerical models, and performs error analysis, benchmarking, and code verification.

About the cover: The cover image depicts Cigma’s 3D comparison between two different PyLith solutions to the reverse-slip benchmark problem. PyLith is a finite element code for the solution of dynamic and quasistatic tectonic deformation problems. This benchmark problem solves for the viscoelastic (Maxwell) relaxation of stresses from a single, finite, reverse-slip earthquake in 3D without gravity, with imposed displacement boundary conditions on a cube with sides of 24 km in length. On the boundary, we impose displacements obtained via the analytic elastic solutions. Additionally, symmetry boundary conditions are imposed on the y = 0 plane, so the solution is equivalent to that for a domain with a 48 km length in the y direction. We are visualizing the error in the displacement field between the 500m linear hexahedral and 250m tetrahedral solutions.

Release Notes

The 1.0 release includes faster comparisons between two finite element solutions and the ability to read Cigma datasets from VTK input files.

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National Science Foundation EAR-0406751.
