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By Alessia Maggi

University of Strasbourg

Citations Non-affiliated (33) | Affiliated (0)

Non-affiliated authors

  • Mukumoto, Kota, Tsuji, Takeshi, (2023), "3-D crustal shear-wave velocity model derived from full-waveform tomography for Central Honshu Island, Japan", Geophysical Journal International, : 05, (DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggad216). Cited by:

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  • Cui, Congyue, Bachmann, Etienne, Peter, Daniel, Liu, Zhaolun, Tromp, Jeroen, (2023), "Source-encoded waveform inversion in the Northern Hemisphere", Geophysical Journal International, : pg: ggad363, 09, (DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggad363). Cited by:

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  • Magnoni, Federica, Casarotti, Emanuele, Komatitsch, Dimitri, Di Stefano, Raffaele, Ciaccio, Maria Grazia, Tape, Carl, Melini, Daniele, Michelini, Alberto, Piersanti, Antonio, Tromp, Jeroen, (2022), "Adjoint tomography of the Italian lithosphere", Commun Earth Environ, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 3, 1: dec, . Cited by:

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  • Zhang, Chao, Li, Cheng, Cai, Jian, (2022), "Geometrical-Feature-Preserving Adjoint Tomography of Near-Surface Structure with Seismic Early Arrival", Shock and Vibration, Hindawi, 2022: pg: 3404496, Jun, (DOI: 10.1155/2022/3404496). Cited by:

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  • N. A. Simmons, C. Morency, A. Chiang, S. C. Myers, (2022), "Report on the LLNL Global Seismic Waveform Tomography Modeling Project", LLNL-TR, 839591: pg: 24, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, September, (DOI: 10.2172/1886132). Cited by:

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  • Wehner, Deborah, Rawlinson, Nicholas, Greenfield, Tim, Daryono, Miller, Meghan S., Supendi, Pepen, Lü, ChuanChuan, Widiyantoro, Sri, (2022), "SASSIER22: Full-Waveform Tomography of the Eastern Indonesian Region That Includes Topography, Bathymetry, and the Fluid Ocean", Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, 11: pg: e2022GC010563, (DOI: 10.1029/2022GC010563). Cited by:

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  • Dong, X., Yang, D., Niu, F., Liu, S., Tong, P., (2021), "Adjoint traveltime tomography unravels a scenario of horizontal mantle flow beneath the North China craton", Scientific Reports, 11, 1: pg: 12523, (DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-92048-8). Cited by:

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  • Jiang, W., Xi, C., Wang, W., Ruan, Y., (2021), "Time Window Selection of Seismic Signals for Waveform Inversion Based on Deep Learning", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, : pg: 1--10, (DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2021.3076531). Cited by:

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  • Dong, X., Yang, D., Zhu, H., (2020), "Adjoint Tomography of the Lithospheric Structure beneath Northeastern Tibet", Seismological Research Letters, : (DOI: 10.1785/0220200135). Cited by:

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  • Chow, B., Kaneko, Y., Tape, C., Modrak, R., Townend, J., (2020), "An automated workflow for adjoint tomography -- Waveform misfits and synthetic inversions for the North Island, New Zealand", Geophysical Journal International, : (DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggaa381). Cited by:

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  • Zhu, H., Stern, R. J., Yang, J., (2020), "Seismic evidence for subduction-induced mantle flows underneath Middle America", Nature Communications, 11, 1: (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15492-6). Cited by:

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  • Yuan, Y. O., Bozdag, E., Ciardelli, C., Gao, F., Simons, F. J., (2020), "The exponentiated phase measurement, and objective-function hybridization for adjoint waveform tomography", Geophysical Journal International, 221, 2: pg: 1145--1164, (DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggaa063). Cited by:

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  • Xiao, Z., Fuji, N., Iidaka, T., Gao, Y., Sun, X., Liu, Q., (2020), "Seismic Structure Beneath the Tibetan Plateau From Iterative Finite-Frequency Tomography Based on ChinArray: New Insights Into the Indo-Asian Collision", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, 2: (DOI: 10.1029/2019JB018344). Cited by:

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  • Zhu, H., Li, X., Yang, J., Stern, R. J., Lumley, D. E., (2020), "Poloidal- and toroidal-mode mantle flows underneath the Cascadia Subduction Zone", Geophysical Research Letters, 47, 14: pg: e2020GL087530, (DOI: 10.1029/2020GL087530). Cited by:

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  • Dong, X., Yang, D., Niu, F., (2019), "Passive adjoint tomography of the crustal and upper mantle beneath eastern Tibet with a W2 norm misfit function", Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 22: pg: 12986--12995, (DOI: 10.1029/2019GL085515). Cited by:

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  • Lloyd, A. J., Wiens, D. A., Zhu, H., Tromp, J., Nyblade, A. A., Aster, R. C., Hansen, S. E., Dalziel, I. W. D., Wilson, T. J., Ivins, E. R., O'Donnell, J. P., (2019), "Seismic Structure of the Antarctic Upper Mantle Based on Adjoint Tomography", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, : (DOI: 10.1029/2019JB017823). Cited by:

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  • Smith, W. S., Zeng, Z., Carette, J., (2018), "Seismology software: state of the practice", Journal of Seismology, Springer Nature, 22, 3: pg: 755--788, (DOI: 10.1007/s10950-018-9731-3). Cited by:

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  • Zhu, H., Komatitsch, D., Tromp, J., (2017), "Radial anisotropy of the North American upper mantle based on adjoint tomography with USArray", Geophysical Journal International, 211, 1: pg: 349--377, (DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggx305). Cited by:

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  • Liu, Y., Niu, F., Chen, M., Yang, W., (2017), "3-D crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath NE China revealed by ambient noise adjoint tomography", Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 461: pg: 20--29, (DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.12.029). Cited by:

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  • Scognamiglio, L., Magnoni, F., Tinti, E., Casarotti, E., (2016), "Uncertainty estimations for moment tensor inversions: the issue of the 2012 may 20 Emilia earthquake", Geophysical Journal International, 206: pg: 792--806, (DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggw173). Cited by:

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  • Chen, M., Niu, F., Liu, Q., Tromp, J., Zheng, X., (2015), "Multiparameter adjoint tomography of the crust and upper mantle beneath East Asia: 1. Model construction and comparisons", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120, 3: pg: 1762--1786, (DOI: 10.1002/2014JB011638). Cited by:

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  • Zhu, H., Bozdag, E., Tromp, J., (2015), "Seismic structure of the European upper mantle based on adjoint tomography", Geophysical Journal International, 201, 1: pg: 18--52, (DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggu492). Cited by:

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  • Schuberth, B. S. A., Zaroli, C., Nolet, G., (2015), "Traveltime dispersion in an isotropic elastic mantle: strong lower-mantle signal in differential-frequency residuals", Geophysical Journal International, 203, 3: pg: 2099--2118, (DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggv389). Cited by:

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  • Zhu, H., Tromp, J., (2013), "Mapping Tectonic Deformation in the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath Europe and the North Atlantic Ocean", Science, 341, 6148: pg: 871--875, (DOI: 10.1126/science.1241335). Cited by:

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  • Zhu, H., Bozdag, E., Duffy, T. S., Tromp, J., (2013), "Seismic attenuation beneath Europe and the North Atlantic: Implications for water in the mantle", Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 381: pg: 1--11, (DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.08.030). Cited by:

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  • Lee, E-J, Chen, P., (2013), "Automating seismic waveform analysis for full 3-D waveform inversions", Geophysical Journal International, 194, 1: pg: 572--589, (DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggt124). Cited by:

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  • Luo, Y., Tromp, J., Denel, B., Calandra, H., (2013), "3D coupled acoustic-elastic migration with topography and bathymetry based on spectral-element and adjoint methods", Geophysics, 78, 4: pg: S193-S202, (DOI: 10.1190/geo2012-0462.1). Cited by:

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  • Zhu, H., Bozdag, E., Peter, D., Tromp, J., (2012), "Structure of the European upper mantle revealed by adjoint tomography", Nature Geoscience, 5, 7: pg: 493--498, (DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1501). Cited by:

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  • Maggi, A., Tape, C., Chao, D., Chen, M., Hjorleifsdottir, V., Liu, Q., Tromp, J., (2012), "Flexwin v1.0.1 [software]", Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics: . Cited by:

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  • Kim, Y. H., Liu, Q., Tromp, J., (2011), "Adjoint centroid-moment tensor inversions: Adjoint centroid-moment tensor inversions", Geophysical Journal International, 186, 1: pg: 264--278, (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05027.x). Cited by:

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  • Tape, C., Liu, Q., Maggi, A., Tromp, J., (2010), "Seismic tomography of the southern California crust based on spectral-element and adjoint methods", Geophysical Journal International, 180, 1: pg: 433--462, (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04429.x). Cited by:

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  • Maggi, A., Tape, C., Chen, M., Chao, D., Tromp, J., (2009), "An automated time-window selection algorithm for seismic tomography", Geophysical Journal International, 178, 1: pg: 257--281, (DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04099.x). Cited by:

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  • Maggi, A., Tape, C., Chao, D., Chen, M., Hjorleifsdottir, V., Liu, Q., Tromp, J., (2009), "Flexwin v1.0.0 [software]", Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics: . Cited by:

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